Treatment Protocol For Achilles Tendon Rupture. Achilles tendon rupture conservative treatment protocol sports orthopaedic specialists. Stair climbing machine light workout maintain dorsiflexion at neutral.

Timespan pointed out in this protocol ought to be thought about approximate with real development based upon clinical discussion. Often the tendon is very tender to touch when gently squeezed. Plaster cast rigid boot with foot pointing downwards 20 with 3 wedges inside 22 16 10 more if needed.
Patients with a rupture of the achilles tendon treated in our unit follow a comprehensive management protocol that includes a dedicated achilles clinic ultrasound examination the use of.
This usually eases after a few minutes of walking but sometimes may last longer. Plaster cast rigid boot with foot pointing downwards 20 with 3 wedges inside 22 16 10 more if needed. Many people complain of stiffness around the tendon when they get up in the morning. This usually eases after a few minutes of walking but sometimes may last longer.