What To Put On Peeling Sunburn. Sunburn dries out your skin which can make peeling worse. May lead to sensitivity on the skin especially to the sun.

How to get rid of a sunburn on dark skin. If your skin has started peeling after sunburn there are things you can do to stop it from getting worse. Excessive peeling may lead to damage to the skin layers.
Mayo clinic experts state that hydrocortisone creams may help your skin heal more rapidly after a bad sunburn 1 2.
You can also put several nonprescription topicals on the burn such as a moisturizer aloe vera lotion or 0 5 to 1 percent hydrocortisone cream. Sunburn peeling is the result of the body rejecting sun damaged skin cells as a part of its natural healing process. The warm temperature of the water can irritate the area and cause it to become painful. When you get a sunburn it causes this process to occur at a much faster rate she explains.