When To Worry About Breast Pain After Menopause. Having said that it is quite likely that you are approaching the actual menopause. However having hormone therapy during menopause can increase the risk of continued breast pain.

At times this can cause concern especially if you are unaware of the possible reasons why you might be experiencing it and you do not fully understand the different types of breast pain generally doctors group different types of breast pain into three categories. Experiencing breast pain after menopause is less common and people should not assume that it is due to hormonal changes. Most times breast pain signals a noncancerous benign breast condition and rarely indicates breast cancer.
Breast pain can be cyclical corresponds with your period or noncyclical no relation to your period.
Sore painful or tender breasts are rarely a breast cancer symptom. However having hormone therapy during menopause can increase the risk of continued breast pain. The average age of menopause in this country is 51 4 years but normal menopause it can occur any time between age 40 and age 58. Sore painful or tender breasts are rarely a breast cancer symptom.