Yeast Infection Sores Pictures. The sores in some cases may be covered by white patches which can be easily scrapped off to expose the sores. Viruses bacteria and fungi can all cause skin infections.

Viruses bacteria and fungi can all cause skin infections. Usually the skin effectively blocks yeast but any skin breakdown or cuts in the skin may allow this organism to penetrate and infect. This is particularly common in moist areas with less exposure such as the mouth vagina or feet.
Canker sores and yeast infections have different causes and treatments.
Intertrigo is irritation of touching skin surfaces in body fold regions armpits under the breasts belly buttocks groin and sometimes between fingers or toes. Red or white small sores yeast infection symptoms can range from mild to moderate and include. Viruses bacteria and fungi can all cause skin infections. A yeast infection occurs when fungi grow excessively in the body.