Achilles Tendon Nodule Massage. Achilles tendinopathy or tendonitis develops when you over strain or overload your tendon. The term tendonitis is sometimes used across the.

You can apply these massage techniques once or twice a day for 5 10 minutes at a time. You break down the scar tissue in the achilles tendon when you do cross friction massage you don t form scar tissue when you have achilles tendinopathy or tendonitis. Tired of the same old techniques to work the gastrocs soleus and achilles tendon.
These tears occur due to overuse poor biomechanics or trauma.
Achilles tendinopathy or tendonitis develops when you over strain or overload your tendon. The term tendonitis is sometimes used across the. Before attempting the massage on yourself consult a professional and they. This actually means inflammation of the tendon but inflammation is rarely the cause of tendon pain.