Disadvantages Of Removing Bartholin Gland. I had my bartholin gland cyst drained and they left a 6 mm long cut that is not closing its edges are healing around it. Bartholin gland excision recovery is usually fast but depends on how long the operated area takes to heal.

Your doctor might recommend this option if others haven t worked or you keep getting bartholin s cysts and abscesses. I m on my 4th weeks from recovering my bartholin gland removal surgery. The gland s secretions provide some moisture for the vulva but are not needed for sexual lubrication.
During sexual arousal the bartholin s gland releases a lubricating fluid.
Thus removal of a bartholin gland does not seem to compromise the vestibular epithelium or. This process involves creating a small permanent aperture by surgical means to help. Surgical removal of the gland carries a greater risk of bleeding or complications after the procedure. Women suffering from recurring cases of abscesses are often advised to try bartholin gland marsupialization.