Does Not Wearing A Bra Cause Stretch Marks. Going without wearing a bra for a long time can also result in stretch marks. The results showed that women who did not wear a bra had a 7 millimeter lift in their nipples each year.

In addition to this the breasts of the women who did not wear bras also showed fewer stretch marks. 2 6 stretch marks. Many young women are not wearing bras that give proper support dyson said.
The results showed that women who did not wear a bra had a 7 millimeter lift in their nipples each year.
2 6 stretch marks. Hear out the side effects of not wearing a bra from gynaecologist dr akriti chaddha. Bras as the social norm. Wearing the improper bra can lead to unnecessary strain that can cause stretch marks kathy dyson of isabella s bra tique told the dayton daily news in a recent interview.