Glove And Stocking Meaning. Stocking glove distribution neurology a pattern of peripheral nerve disease characterized by a relatively sharply demarcated loss of pain touch temperature position and vibration sensation accompanied by weakness muscular atrophy and loss of tendon reflexes eg the stocking pattern of distal diabetic polyneuropathy characterized by waxing and waning paresthesias that worsen at night. Stocking and glove neuropathy occurs when nerves in the arms and legs incur damage due to illness or disease.

Stocking and glove neuropathy derives its name from the fact that the sensation often mimics the feeling of wearing gloves or stockings. These latter use a scale or flake like structure to deflect penetration from needles shards and other significant puncture risk exposures. Stocking and glove neuropathy occurs when nerves in the arms and legs incur damage due to illness or disease.
These latter use a scale or flake like structure to deflect penetration from needles shards and other significant puncture risk exposures.
Polyneuropathy poly neuro pathy is damage or disease affecting peripheral nerves peripheral neuropathy in roughly the same areas on both sides of the body featuring weakness numbness and burning pain. Stocking glove distribution neurology a pattern of peripheral nerve disease characterized by a relatively sharply demarcated loss of pain touch temperature position and vibration sensation accompanied by weakness muscular atrophy and loss of tendon reflexes eg the stocking pattern of distal diabetic polyneuropathy characterized by waxing and waning paresthesias that worsen at night. It usually begins in the hands and feet and may progress to the arms and legs and sometimes to other parts of the body where it may affect the autonomic nervous system. Stocking and glove neuropathy derives its name from the fact that the sensation often mimics the feeling of wearing gloves or stockings.