How To Tape A Broken Toe For Running. It is truly up to you. However seldom does a physician do more than tape a toe if it is broken.

Sometimes a broken big toe requires a cast or boot of some type for stabilizing in order to adequately heal. The problem of course is this is a treatment recommendation for relatively non active non runners and when runners hear this advice they simply extrapolate that all that is needed is to tape the broken toe to another toe. Broken toes are a common injury especially to the pinky smallest fifth toe which is more vulnerable to getting stubbed and crushed.
For me taping the toes together hurt worse because of the increased pressure.
Toe is clearly deformed bumped altered from how it normally appears. Toe is clearly deformed bumped altered from how it normally appears. By taping the broken toe to its neighbor you give the injured toe the support it needs to begin. You should also consider placing cotton gauze between the toes to reduce the risk of infection.