Pain Between Shoulder Blades And Chest. Many different things can cause pain between the shoulder blades. Pain in the upper back between the shoulder blades is often experienced due to the pec minor pulling the shoulders forward causing the upper back muscles to remain in an extended stretch.

Deepak gupta answered 36 years experience rheumatology. 38yr old female pinching chest pain on left side pain between the shoulder blades body is cold but i m sweating. Because of this people having a.
Many different things can cause pain between the shoulder blades.
It s important to always get medical attention for pain in your chest and shoulder. However females frequently report pain between the shoulder blades in the event of a heart attack. Some pains may come and disappear due to mild strains or tired muscles caused by working in front of a computer for long periods of time heavy lifting exercises poor posture and other activities. This pain tends to be nagging and may be accompanied by chest pain shortness of breath or lightheadedness.