Pain On Outer Side Of Foot. Pressing in under the malleolus on the outside of the ankle will be tender. It can occur before during or after activities such as walking and running.

The tarsal coalition leads to foot pain on the outer side only in one in a hundred cases. When the outer edge of your foot hurts enough to get your attention it can often be difficult to identify the precise cause. The tarsal coalition is a condition caused by the fusion of the two tarsal bone at the back of the foot on the lateral side.
Symptoms may have come on gradually over time or developed suddenly with an injury.
Pain on the outside of the foot side of the pinky toe is a common problem we treat in our seattle foot and ankle clinic. Cuboid syndrome causes pain on the upper outer part side of the foot that is aggravated by pressure on the affected area. Call 206 344 3808 or use our patient portal to schedule an appointment for an evaluation and treatment recommendations. It can make standing walking or running painful.