Pimple Under Eye Bag. A pimple is already bad enough but a pimple under eye can be more painful annoying and downright uncomfortable. At home remedies such as cool compresses can help improve the appearance of bags under eyes.

On the other hand pain relieving medications are advised to help relieve a painful pimple on the eyelid. Aging and genetics can cause tissues around the eyes to weaken. To conceal bags under your eyes start by applying a small amount of orange or peach colored concealer just below your bags to cancel out the blue grey color.
Although the bumps are not harmful many people have cosmetic concerns about milia under the eyes and on the face.
The eye s tiny oil glands are blocked and infected with bacteria which lead to this condition. To conceal bags under your eyes start by applying a small amount of orange or peach colored concealer just below your bags to cancel out the blue grey color. Unlike milia and pimples styes specifically affect the eye area usually popping up right along the ultra sensitive edge of the eyelid. The eye s tiny oil glands are blocked and infected with bacteria which lead to this condition.