Scapular Dyskinesis Muscles Involved. The mainstay treatment is stretching of the affected structure to increase the working length. The first group involved asymptomatic athletes with scapular dyskinesis.

These exercises also aim to facilitate energy transfer through the kinetic chain. Scapular dyskinesis by cody suder spt cscs the scapula is a bone on the back side of your shoulder commonly referred to as the shoulder blade. It may increase the functional deficit associated with shoulder.
This type of dyskinesis is displayed as a prominence of the superior medial border of the scapula and often associated with impingement and rotator cuff injury.
These exercises also aim to facilitate energy transfer through the kinetic chain. The second one included athletes without scapular dysfunction. Another test is the sdt scapular dyskinesis test. The sdt is a visually based test for scapular dyskinesis that involves a patient performing weighted shoulder flexion and abduction movements while scapular motion is visually observed.