Severe Heel Pain Can T Walk. This heel pain often goes away once you start to walk around but it may return in the late afternoon or evening. If standing on one foot while trying to raise your heel off the ground causes a lot of pain you may have posterior tibial tendonitis.

Plantar fasciitis plantar fasciitis commonly causes intense heel pain along the bottom of the foot during the first few steps after getting out of bed in the morning. In other instances resting can help to eliminate the most severe pain until you are able to see your doctor or a podiatrist. For more acute causes of heel pain such as a heel bruise avoiding the precipitating activity for example take a few days off jogging or prolonged standing walking may be all you need to feel better.
Plantar fasciitis plantar fasciitis commonly causes intense heel pain along the bottom of the foot during the first few steps after getting out of bed in the morning.
This condition is caused by irritation and overuse of the posterior tibial tendon and manifests as pain on the inside of the foot heel ankle and shin. If standing on one foot while trying to raise your heel off the ground causes a lot of pain you may have posterior tibial tendonitis. While a few minutes of walking upon arising may help to reduce immediate sensations of heel pain temporarily you may notice that any attempt to walk or run any great distance can bring on even worse pain. Achilles tendon is that which connects the calf muscles to the heel bone.