Therapy For Knee Pain. It can also make it easier for you to walk bend kneel squat and sit. This means it can help the body to repair tissue damage caused due to injuries.
American physical therapy association. In most cases an experienced chiropractor can identify the underlying issues causing the pain and use a combination of techniques that yield knee pain relief. The two main types of physical therapy passive and active treatments can help make your knee oa more manageable.
Common causes of knee pain.
The treatment of knee pain depends on the underlying. Physical therapist s guide to knee pain preparing for your visit university of california san diego. Over the counter medications such as ibuprofen advil motrin ib others and naproxen sodium aleve may help ease knee pain. The types of knee pain we treate include meniscus problems patellofemoral pain tendinitis instability bursitis arthritis acl tears knee strains and a variety of post.