When Do Boys Stop Growing. Developing physically into an adult takes 2 to 5 years. Most girls stop growing taller by age 14 or 15 but after their early teenage growth spurt boys continue gaining height at a gradual pace until around 18.

But at what age do you stop growing taller. It is imperative that good nutrition for the growing boys is provided. As mentioned earlier men or boys stop growing at the age of 16 for many with a few proceeding to end of the teen years with some spec of growth.
Learn about puberty in boys including boys puberty stages how the growth spurt in boys unfolds and when boys fully mature.
But generally men stop growing between the ages of 17 and 20. Many factors can affect growth and ultimately height. Boys stop growing when puberty ends. After the age of 16 the increase in height is more gradual and boys usually stop growing between the ages of 17 20.